Thank you for following little me as I go about each day on my adventures!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

birthday greetings

I am old today.
I don't even want to discuss the number as I am having a hard time believing it myself.

I don't feel old.
Not really.
I do have the odd soreness in my back it's true, but I like to think it's directly linked to lugging a seventeen month old baby on my hip all day.
I don't think I look old - the esthetician I visited for my surprise birthday facial yesterday said I had great skin and that she never would have guessed I was...
So I've got that going for me.

But, I am indeed, old.

Funny thing is I don't feel this number.
I'm not sure what this number is supposed to feel like - but I think I can guarantee it ain't this.

Baby alarm woke me at the usual 7:30am this morning and my day began. We padded thru her Oma and Opa's log house to the kitchen to fix up her favorite toddler breakfast and then some quiet time cuddling on the couch looking at the amazing view of the snowy wilderness around us. I got my camera out to take photos of the sun rising over the tree tops and reminded myself, again, to sign up for some classes to learn how to use this thing.
I think I did okay.
Then outside in her first snow suit to look at her first snow for the first time.

I am older today but I don't feel older - I just feel happy.
And blessed.

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