Thank you for following little me as I go about each day on my adventures!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

lessons learned

Managed a trip to the Fieldstone Vintage Market today!

So glad I made it happen as it was wonderful wandering the stalls of vintage goodness. Even herded the girls and Dutch Husband into a portrait shot - there was a 'photo booth' set up with lovely old chairs and fantastic decor.

Can't wait to see how it turns out (they email the shot). Tho I am prepared to see my three year old grimacing, the six year old blinking and me yawning. Such is the fate of any family shot these days.

Even got in a wee bit of shopping - purchased five vintage linen stockings for Christmas this year. I was planning on sewing new ones myself, out of my enormous linen stash, but let's face it - it's not gonna happen.
Not this year. Sigh.

I've really had to be firm with myself. Talked myself off the Christmas guilt ledge a few times so far, and it's only Dec 3rd...
I am having to be reasonable (not my strong suit) and accept the fact that I will not get everything done that I would like.
For example, I am participating in one of my favorite craft shows - Got Craft? and have had to swallow the bitter, bitter, pill of reality.
I will have some of my handmade jewelry for sale, but not all the other wonderful items I've been scheming to make.

Everything got a start but no finish.
I'm looking at a studio full of half made...everythings.
Those lost weeks with the baby being ill really hurt my production line.

So this year, I am learning the lesson of patience and temperance.

THAT, and I am SO going to steal the twinkle-lights-in-old-canning-jars idea...I think I can manage to put that together this year.

What lesson are you learning this Holiday Season?

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas countdown

One month to Christmas.

Maybe you didn't hear me correctly. Let me repeat that....its ONE MONTH TO CHRISTMAS!

People, I am freaking out.
Where did November go?
And why am I only realizing this now? I should have been panicking weeks ago, not saving it up for the last minute.

I know there are many of you who don't even begin to think about the Holidays till well after American Thanksgiving. I've even been told some wait for December to begin.
Personally, I've always been more of a "Oh-it's-September-the-leaves-are-falling-OMG!!!-Christmas-is-practically-here!" kind of hysteric.
What can i say?'s served me well over the years.

You see, I love Christmas and all it entails - I love the music, the decor, the tree, the hustle and bustle of those city sidewalks...I love everything about it with such a passion that my panic in its being only a month away is more about the running out of "Christmas magic time" than any fear of not finding a gift for all the names on my list.
I want my Christmas to stretch out before me in a heart warming lineup of parties, cookie baking, wine by the fire and assorted Holiday flavored activities.
I don't want one day.
I want my Christmas to last all month long, and with only a few weeks to go, I'm down to the wire of getting the aforementioned activities started.

There lies my panic.
I am way behind.

I know how quickly these next few weeks will pass and I don't want to have it all end with just one day - I want to savor it each and every day - and so should you.

Its the small gestures and quiet moments that make Christmas special for me.

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's been awhile...

So much has happened while I've been away. I don't even know where, or how, to begin.

Let's make it easy:

- I got pregnant!
After two unsuccessful years
trying, we finally made it happen. ( I don't discount the power of "giving up" and selling off all baby items. Had just sold off the last of the nursery furniture when I found out )

- It was a drama filled pregnancy.
Had originally set out to 'enjoy the process' this time ( I was so nervous when I was carrying Mia, it's all a blur ) So having complications threw a wrench in my 'enjoy being pregnant' plans.

Between competitive growing fibroids, a suddenly overactive thyroid condition and receiving a 50/50 chance for Downs Syndrome - it was an emotional roller coaster 9 months. Fortunately, everything worked out just fine.

- I gave birth to a super cute baby girl!
Named her Tallulah Grace and she is the sweetest little bun ever.

- 6 week old Tallulah Grace suddenly has a fever and we rush to hospital.
It's Meningitis.
I'm devastated.
Cue forward a week, to today, and she is doing great and we will be heading home tomorrow.
Sighs of relief all around.

There you have it. Some of the events of the last year. Well, baby specific events of the last year.
Lots of other interesting non-baby things occurred too but they would require more time (and coffee) for me to recount today.

This is just me saying "Hello, I'm back".

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