Dragged Dutch Husband and baby Amalia Rose, on my buying trip to sunny California. As fun as it was to have my loves with me - I don't think I'll be doing THAT again any time soon.
It's hard enough trying to dig up the pretty for the shops on my own - dragging an almost two year old behind me made it a bit harder. Dragging Dutch Husband made it almost impossible.
I drank allot of wine this trip.
This is Amalia Rose posing by the amazing Echevaria planters in the hallways of our hotel. I love Semprevivums - try to have planters of them each summer on the patio but can't compare to the size these monsters get to in the California sun. Fantastic.
Have decided on nickname for Amalia Rose....insert drum roll here....Mia.
Love it.
Pretty yet strong.
Sweet yet...mischievous.
Had I realized what a work out saying "Amalia Rose" would be, I would have come up with something else.
I think I can be forgiven tho, I was, after all, under duress.
I had just had an emergency C-section (not pretty) and had finally woken up from anesthesia (SO not pretty) and then was wheeled into my room to meet my baby.
I was not myself.
It's taken quite some time to come up with a nickname - I refuse to have her go through life with a shortened name that I have no control over.
'Leah' is not an option - worked with a Leah and she was a complete and utter snot.
'Molly' also out of the question - too reminiscent of Pretty in Pink/the 80's/my dreaded high school years/ugh, ugh, ugh.
Tried, in vain, to get everyone to call her "Lola" - yeah, I know it's a reach, but I LOVE that name.
Anyway, I'm apparently crap at nicknames as I couldn't come up with anything good.
Thank you to my lovely and brilliant friend Susie who blithely tossed the name Mia my way and I have been in love with it ever since.
My sweet child just may survive the school years unscathed.
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